
Storm Response

A collection of maps and apps to improve the time it takes to assess and prioritize restoration efforts.

Enhance Crew Safety

Use this collection of maps and apps to support crew safety and provide greater insight into hazards reported in the field.

Assess Impact of an Incident

Impact Analysis can be used by an organization to identify the impact of an incident on electric assets.

Share an Improvement Schedule

The System Improvement map allows customers to view maintenance and line clearing information.

A Model Structure

The Model Organization for Electric Utilities provides users with a series of guidelines to follow when setting up your ArcGIS organization. The guidelines include group structure, sharing policies, and user access rights.

Improve Utility Maps

Map Change Request can be used by employees to mark up mapping errors in the office or the field.

Capture Field Notes

The Map Notes app provides the ability to record and share detailed map notes or redlines from the office or field.